FAQ – With a little help from our friends

Whatever we’ve achieved in life, it’s not been on our own, however ‘self-made’ we think we are… It’s good to pause every now and again and recognise all the people who have helped us be who we are today, and who’ve helped us do whatever we’ve accomplished.  Not only is it worthwhile to reflect andContinue reading “FAQ – With a little help from our friends”

FAQ – How to juggle things when you get busy

There are times in life when everything seems to happen at once, and for decorators that’s often towards the end of the summer when we’re trying to get exteriors done before the autumn kicks in, people are on holidays, family weddings, our own gardens to keep on top of, let alone all the unexpected thingsContinue reading “FAQ – How to juggle things when you get busy”

FAQ – Stay successful in a recession

So the British Chambers of Commerce, the Bank of England, and many others are predicting that we’re about to enter a recession. What can we do about it?   On a large scale, very little indeed. If it’s raining you can’t stop it raining, unless you have some kind of superhero powers (Maybe you do?), but youContinue reading “FAQ – Stay successful in a recession”