being responsive, not reactive We’re all guilty of it… Something happens, we have an emotional reaction, and we act. Maybe someone says something that riles us and we get cross. Maybe a client makes a change that throws our plans and we’re irritated. Maybe we’ve priced for a job, and when we go to buyContinue reading “FAQ – The power of pausing”
Tag Archives: better business
FAQ – Decorating for the planet
Most of us want to pass on a healthy planet to the next generation. With climate change, rivers and seas too polluted to swim in, air pollution, species in decline… it can seem rather depressing.But there’s a lot we can do to be more sustainable decorators, and it’s good for business too. When it comesContinue reading “FAQ – Decorating for the planet”
FAQ – Time well spent
I don’t know anyone who gets it totally right when it comes to spending their time how they’d like to. But I’ve learned quite a few useful things over the years… As we come up to the Christmas break and start considering the next year, it’s a great opportunity to think about our greatest assetContinue reading “FAQ – Time well spent”
FAQ – With a little help from our friends
Whatever we’ve achieved in life, it’s not been on our own, however ‘self-made’ we think we are… It’s good to pause every now and again and recognise all the people who have helped us be who we are today, and who’ve helped us do whatever we’ve accomplished. Not only is it worthwhile to reflect andContinue reading “FAQ – With a little help from our friends”
FAQ – How to juggle things when you get busy
There are times in life when everything seems to happen at once, and for decorators that’s often towards the end of the summer when we’re trying to get exteriors done before the autumn kicks in, people are on holidays, family weddings, our own gardens to keep on top of, let alone all the unexpected thingsContinue reading “FAQ – How to juggle things when you get busy”
FAQ – Become the best decorator you can be
There’s no such thing as ‘the best decorator in the world’, because we all have different skills and different experience. But we can become the best decorator we can be, given our mental aptitudes, how our bodies can manage the work, and how we approach the business of decorating. So how do we work outContinue reading “FAQ – Become the best decorator you can be”
FAQ – How to tackle Daunting Projects
There will always be times when projects come along that are outside our comfort zone. They might be work projects like a massive property exterior to renovate or even personal projects like moving house. Even thinking about them can feel stressful. I know how it feels. I’ve moved house and even moved country more thanContinue reading “FAQ – How to tackle Daunting Projects”
FAQ – Finding the Positive
Whether at work or at home there will always be things that don’t go our way. Sometimes we’ll just finish glossing a front door, and a gust of breeze will fling a few errant leaves onto it. We won’t enjoy every book we pick up, every TV show we sit down to watch, every mealContinue reading “FAQ – Finding the Positive”
FAQ – The importance of active rest
Wellbeing is a buzzword at the moment, but who wouldn’t want to be a well being? Rest is critical for physical and mental health, as well as our relationships, and it’s critical for the success of our business. In order to look after our business we need to make sure we’re not working in aContinue reading “FAQ – The importance of active rest”
FAQ – Stay successful in a recession
So the British Chambers of Commerce, the Bank of England, and many others are predicting that we’re about to enter a recession. What can we do about it? On a large scale, very little indeed. If it’s raining you can’t stop it raining, unless you have some kind of superhero powers (Maybe you do?), but youContinue reading “FAQ – Stay successful in a recession”