Whether you know it or not, you have a brand. And it’s more than just a logo. The word ‘brand’ comes from the Norwegian word ‘brandr’ – to burn. It was used for the practice of branding livestock, literally burning them to identify who owned what. Then it became used to signify identity in the worldContinue reading “FAQ – What is your brand?”
Tag Archives: marketing
FAQ – Refresh your business
This is the ideal time to review your business. Things have changed, your perspecives may have changed, your customers’ priorities may have changed. Here are a few tips to help you think about things you can freshen up. Update your website As people start booking decorators again, you want to stand out. Refresh your websiteContinue reading “FAQ – Refresh your business”
FAQ – Using video to promote your work
Video is an ideal way for you and your business to get known, liked and trusted. And it’s never been easier to make videos – you can film, edit and post them on your phone. Not only that, but embedding your own YouTube videos on your website improves your ranking on Google. It is moreContinue reading “FAQ – Using video to promote your work”