Set in the breathtaking Howardian Hills of Yorkshire, offering a glimpse of Britain’s glorious bygone days, is the magnificent estate of Castle Howard. PDA Associate Partner Repair Care has found itself playing a vital role in the tale of this theatrical home. Castle Howard is an awe-inspiring piece of architecture, a Grade I listed buildingContinue reading “The Wise Choice”
Tag Archives: Repair Care
The Wise Choice
In today’s climate, the call to repair, recycle and reuse is often ringing in our ears. We all want to do our best for the environment, our customers, future generations, and preserve structures of times gone by. But in the daily life of construction and DIY, where it is out with the old and inContinue reading “The Wise Choice”
Wipes go viral
The market-leading Big Wipes brand is known for its cleaning power, packing a punch to grease, grime and bacteria on the go. Now Big Wipes are the first industrial-grade cleaning wipes in the world to gain EN14476, the stringent European Antiviral Standard for chemical disinfectants. Brilliantly, the certification is retrospective, which means that every BigContinue reading “Wipes go viral”
Wonder wipes
Do you always have suitable cleaning wipes at hand? Repair Care EASY•Q wipes are super strong with a unique texture and high absorbency, available in tubs of 75 or 150 the resealable lid keeps wipes moist for when you need them. The EASY•Q wipes contain a special cleaning fluid and they do not fluff, soContinue reading “Wonder wipes”