Wallpaper collections refreshed

Two collections have recently been given a refresh, Albany House Vinyls and Albany Collage, with pattern books in all Brewers stores, plus online at www.brewers.co.uk and www.wallpaperdirect.com  Albany House Vinyls are a versatile collection of quality vinyl wallpapers, ideal for giving walls a fresh and contemporary update. Featuring classic damasks, textured plains with glitter detail, contemporaryContinue reading “Wallpaper collections refreshed”

SumUp card readers now available at Brewers

To help your business grow, Brewers now stock a range of SumUp card readers, enabling your customers to pay via card, Apple Pay and Google Pay for your work. This means you can take payment there and then, and eliminate any delays. There are two options, both accept all major debit and credit cards withContinue reading “SumUp card readers now available at Brewers”